Enviromental control
Analysts atmospheric environment BTEX
Analysts Certification QAL 2 CEM systems
Analysts continuous monitoring greenhouse gas (CO, SO2, NOx, O2, etc.) - in stack and extractive
Analysts FTIR gas (......), mobile and stationary
Analysts NO, NO2, NOx
Analysts organic halogens (TOX, AOX, EOX, VOX, POX)
Analysts powder; continuous monitoring in stack emissions
Analyzers Hydrocarbon (VOC, CH4, NMHC) -FID or PID, mobile and stationary
Calibration systems and generators for gas AQMS
Calibration Systems CEMS
CEM- FTIR gas analyzer
Detectors leaking hydrocarbons - Continuous
Exhaust-gas analyzers (P, t, O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, H2S, NH3, HCL, HC, H2, Soot)
Gas chromatographs
Gas detectors (CO, flammable gases, coolants)
Hydrocarbons chromatographs (GC-FID), mobile and stationary
Integrated continuous monitoring systems for industrial emissions (gas, dust, flow, temperature, pressure)
Meteorological measuring devices (i, P, Moisture, wind speed and direction)
Mixers standard gases
Ozone Analyzers
Portable analyzer / chrotatografos GC-MS
Portable gas analyzers (CO2, CO, SO2, NOx, CH4, O2)
Pressure Gauges
XRF analyzers for elemental determinations in dust samples