Oil and lubricant analysis
Distillation ASTM D 86
Analyst S & CL (burning-coulometry)
Analyst S & N (burning-UVF & CL)
Automatic viscometers
Bitumen Ductility
Bitumen Penetration
Bitumen Softening Point
Carbon Residue
cloud point
Cold filter plugging point (CFPP)
Corrosion of copper and silver
Demulsification features Control
Distillation of crude
EDXRF analyzer for S, Pb, P, Metals
Existent gum in fuel
flash point
Foaming characteristics control
Freezing point fuel & ice
Gas chromatographs special applications (RGA, NGA, Oxygenates, Sulfur compounds, DHA, SimDis, Contaminants in LPG, etc)
Grease testing
Heat loss
Oxidation stability (gasoline, jet, diesel, oils, grease)
Petrol vapor pressure
Pour point
Sampler gases and LPG
Thermometers, Hydrometers, viscometers
Vacuum Distillation ASTM D 1160
Vapour pressure LPG
Various tests fuel, lubricant and gritting
Viscosity determination Bathrooms